Monday, August 3, 2009


Thad turned 6 months old last week. I can't believe it! That also means we have been in TN 6 months. WOW, time flies. I have an appointment to get pictures of Thad, so I'll post those later.

He is still rolling ALL over the place, but not crawling yet. He also can't quite sit up by himself, but is close. He weighs 18lbs, 2 oz. and is 27 1/2 inches long. A big, healthy boy. He has his two bottom middle teeth and has the cutest smile! He babbles and talks ALL the time and just LOVES to watch his big brother and sister. I love this age. They are so sweet and it is so fun to watch them learn new things EVERY day.

It is SO bittersweet to watch them grow up! He soon won't even be a baby anymore!! I wish there was someway you could etch these times into your memory. Of course you do remember some, and there are always pictures and videos, but it's just not the same. I want to remember his snuggles, and soft, squishy skin, and loud babbles, and how he feels when he's asleep in my arms, and how he laughs at the silliest little things, and the sound of his little squeel when he gets excited, and how he starts spitting his food out when he's full, and how he kicks his legs so fast to splash the water in the bathtub, and how good he smells after his bath, and how happy I am to see his sweet face first thing in the morning, and I could go on and on, but I'm actually getting teary-eyed!... I LOVE you sweet baby Thad!!


Hutton Family said...

OH Hilary..I know what you mean and it feels good ( finally) to feel those feelings. Caleb is 3 mo and 8 days old and I just want to freeze time so I can forever feel him amd smell him just how he is right now!!! I teared up just reading your blog We took his 3 mo pic Sat. Sara Castor did a great job just can't wait to see them done. I will send you one. Your kids are beautiful!!!

Unknown said...

Wow, that made me all teary! And I haven't wanted a baby in a long time! What a sweetie and that hair!

Annie said...

What a sweet post about little Thad. Ruby is doing all of those things to and you made me teary eyed as well. Miss you!