Monday, June 28, 2010

Yeee-Haw!!! for VBS!!!

Our VBS was a couple of weeks ago, and all three of my little cowpokes had a great time! I taught a three year old class-NOT Rhett's three-year old class. I learned this lesson teaching his class during Sunday School/ETC a few weeks before. They all got to go since I was teaching. It was a long week, but lots of fun.
Here is a picture each of them "made" in their classes during the week. So cute.

Don't worry, this shaggy-haired cowboy has since had a haircut:
Sheriff Rhett:
This picture didn't scan very well, but you get the idea:


Leslie said...

Aw, I love the shaggy hair, so darn cute!!

Janice said...

Darn tootin' they're cuties!