Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Fall Ball Season Wraps Up: T-ball Edition

The Fall sports season is winding down over the next couple of weeks and I have three kids playing three sports to catch up on. We decided to keep it to one sport per season for each of them (not counting swimming for Hollace). With AWANA at church and swimming we have something almost every evening- and they are in pre-school and elementary!! There is just so much available for them to do, it's sort of overwhelming trying to decide. They just can't do it all. Each sport is offered each season.  Soccer....they play it indoor in the winter, and lacrosse-who knew 8 year olds could play lacrosse.  Tennis, karate, gymnastics, basketball, cheerleading........... How are they suppose to know what they want to do without trying them all, but they just can't.....and still have time for anything else. It's a little stressful being a kid in 2012- or the mom of a kid in 2012. 


 Thad played t-ball for the second season this fall.  To describe it in one word, I'd say it has been unpredictable. You just never know what you're gonna get with him.  Some games he sits and pouts and won't play at all. He refuses to bat or play the field and just whines about wanting to go home the whole time. Other days he plays and does his best and has a great time. We just never know. It's pretty cute to watch them at this age. They are so clueless. 

I think these pictures were from one of the first games of the season- in September I think.

This last weekend he had a make-up game on Friday evening then his last game was on Saturday morning. He was actually in a "playing" mood for both games. He loved batting and chased after every ball that was hit, no matter if it was near him or not. So cute! He was SOOO excited to get his trophy at the end of the game. 

 and a final shot with his team. GO YANKEES!!!
(He's on the bottom right)


Anonymous said...

Great pictures - what a cute little ball player. love grammy

Anonymous said...

He sure looks a lot like his daddy in some of these pics!