Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Resurrection Day!

The grandparents all sent a little Easter surprise for the kiddos. Nana and Papa sent these silly bunny masks and a cupcake making kit, so Saturday evening we made Easter cupcakes. We also made Resurrection rolls to eat for breakfast Sunday. It got too late so we decided to save the Easter egg coloring for Sunday. Grammy and Papa sent a little money and the kids put it with a little they had been saving for skateboards. They were so excited to get them and we had to go to FOUR stores on Saturday. Everyone had bought up all the cheap ones, and we were NOT buying $60 - $80 skateboards!  They played on them quite a bit Saturday and I forgot to take any pictures!

Sunday morning the kids had a little surprise from the Easter Bunny.

Hollace got a shirt in her basket and said "Wow, this is so cute! I didn't know the Easter Bunny had such good taste. He must have a wife." Ha!

They quickly emptied their baskets and got ready to hunt eggs.

 This year the Easter Bunny hid the eggs outside then it rained all morning. Luckily it wasn't cold, just wet. I think the he must have known this might happen and only hid the eggs around the patio area and not out in the wet, muddy grass.
 I was watching from the dry patio so I only got these few pictures of the hunt.
 (Yes, Thad is still in a pull-up. Only at night, he's just not dressed yet. He has actually been dry every morning lately and so we finally told him he could wear underwear to bed. He was so excited, but the first night he got in bed then changed his mind and wanted to put a pull up back on. Whatever.)

Ready for Church. 
We are still visiting churches, so I sort of felt like everyone was looking at us like we were one of those families making their annual visit to church on Easter Sunday. 

 Look at Thad's expressions!

 Another try outside........and Rhett decides to act like a goof ball.

Hollace would pose all day.

Checking out their loot......

Since we didn't have any family in town I didn't really want to make a huge meal for just us, so we decided to try out the Easter brunch the Country Club does every year. It was pretty AMAZING! Quite a feast! Lobster, shrimp, prime rib, several types of fish, chicken, SO many salads.....and the dessert bar was fabulous- and we didn't have to do any dishes! It was a good choice!

One last try at pictures by the parking lot.

 We were hoping someone would come by that we could ask to take a picture of all of us, but no luck.
You'll just have to use your imagination and combine these two pictures.

 This is how we all felt after the feast!

We planned on coloring Easter eggs that afternoon, but it was too nice of a day to be inside, so we ended up outside all day and ran out of time again!
We did do the Resurrection Eggs though.

Hope you had a wonderful Resurrection Day!! 

"Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ!
In his great mercy He has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead....."
I Peter 1:3

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

February Catch-Up

We are getting settled in Fort Smith, but I'm still not caught up here with things from February in Texas.  I really don't like being this far behind, and having to lump so much together in one post, but here it is.

Rhett had a celebration at school for the 100th day of school. They were to wear some article of clothing with 100 of something on it, for the fashion show they were having.  Each student would model their attire one at a time on the stage. 

Rhett wore a hat with 100 pieces of popcorn, because he was "Popping with excitement about the 100th day of school".

At the fashion show the boy who went just before Rhett was wearing a jacket. When he walked out onto the stage, the teacher/announcer motioned for him to take his jacket off because his 100 things were on his shirt and they couldn't be seen with his jacket on.  When Rhett go up to go I guess he thought the teacher just didn't want them wearing jackets on the stage, so he took his off too. It was so funny because he looked like one of those models that take their jacket/coat off as they strut across the stage.

Of course the kids had Valentine parties in February, and of course the fun was taken out of it with the kids not being allowed to bring any sort of candy/food with their Valentines. "What is the point?" Hollace asked.
Here are their Valentine boxes we created to collect the candy-less Valentines from their classmates.
 An owl..........
and a couple of Valentine-eating monsters.

 Thad had a little Valentine party at school on what was actually his last day of school in McKinney. I accidentally gave the school the wrong date for his last day and they filled his spot before I realized the mistake. That meant I got to have him at home when the movers were there all week, instead of having two days with him at school instead. Awesome.

Here he is giving me a sweet little flower he had made. 

 We really aren't big on Valentines day. It's all a little cheesy to me, but we do get the kids a little something and did use it as an excuse to go on a date night. It wasn't on actual Valentines day but sometime in February anyway.

Just for fun on Valentines night we made chocolate covered strawberries for dessert. YUM!!

These two got all dressed up for picture day sometime in February. Aren't they cute?
 I guess that's all the excitement that went on around here in February- other than the move. I'll be back with some more catching up soon.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013