Well, I'm not sure how to feel about my appointment yesterday. I was hoping the place would be completely gone or he would say it was nothing. It wasn't and he didn't. However, I guess the news could have been worse. The place on the placenta is a partial abruption or subamniotic hemorrhage/hematoma. It is basically the same thing that I had with Hollace, but this is in a different place (the fetal side of the placenta). Anyway, the Dr. wants me to have some blood work done to be sure I don't have some sort of bleeding/clotting disorder, since this is a possible cause of this condition, especially having it twice. He said the biggest risk with the condition is fetal growth restriction, due to possible inadequate blood flow. Right now the baby is right where he should be at 21 1/2 weeks. He weighs right at a pound! I will go back to OKC every few weeks for an ultrasound to monitor fetal growth. The most dangerous result of this condition is pre-term labor or complete placental abruption. My doctor said we might consider antenatal steroids after 24 weeks to try to speed up the babies lung development in case I was to have him too early. Neither of these problems happened with Hollace. She was only 10 days early and weighed over 7 pounds, despite the fact that I was told at one point I had about a 50/50 chance of carrying her to term vs. losing her. This Dr. didn't seem to paint such a grim picture this time, or I didn't get that feeling anyway. I am really trying to think positively. However, I am, of course, scared/worried/nervous that something could happen. I am really trying to just have faith that God is STILL in control and has a perfect plan. There is nothing I can do to fix or change any of this, so I am trying to just turn it over to God. My doctor said he didn't think bedrest would make any difference. (Yea! Bedrest is NOT fun and would be next to impossible with a 2 and 4 year old at home). I am just suppose to "take it easy", no lifting, straining, etc. I'm sure this means no cleaning the house or making dinner, don't you think??
Well, there's the update for what it's worth. This is really what I expected. It just means a lot of waiting and counting down weeks until the baby is big enough to be born. I remember feeling so relieved as each week went by and I knew Hollace would have a better chance if something happened. I appreciate your thoughts and prayers, keep them coming!
Well, there's the update for what it's worth. This is really what I expected. It just means a lot of waiting and counting down weeks until the baby is big enough to be born. I remember feeling so relieved as each week went by and I knew Hollace would have a better chance if something happened. I appreciate your thoughts and prayers, keep them coming!